
G.S.V.V. Kroton has been around for more than 56 years, making it the oldest student volleyball club in Groningen! The association originated from a sub-association of Albertus Magnus and was founded on June 4, 1964. It is still not possible to say with certainty where the name Kroton comes from, but it is certain that we are not named after a houseplant with the same name. In the beginning the association consisted of only a men's team, but soon a women's team was added and in the years that followed the association gained more and more members. As the number of members grew, the members became more and more active and a association was created in which activities were also organized outside of volleyball. In addition, a club magazine was published, the first committees were established and there was a real Kroton song. The cozy character that the association still knows today, therefore comes from a distant past. In the year 1983 the roads parted between G.S.V.V. Kroton and Albertus Magnus, from this year on, G.S.V.V. Kroton is an independent student sports association. However, the association still has a women's team for Albertians today, which is a nice nod to our shared past.

You can recognize Krotonners for years by their red-green competition outfit, which today features the logo of our regular pub cafĂ© De Doos and GMM location Land van Kokanje. These outfits can often be admired on Saturdays in the familiar HG hall. Although we have played our matches at various locations in the past, since 1992 we have been playing all our matches at the ACLO - the sports center for students.

That conviviality is paramount at Kroton, as is evident from our former slogan that was used in the 1990s: "Kroton is the smallest and nicest student volleyball club in Groningen!". Ever since the association was founded, it has been as little as possible about appearance and we do not look at volleyball class outside the field. A small association is not at the expense of the fun within the association, but ensures that almost everyone knows each other. That is why our current slogan is: ''Kroton, one big team''.

In addition to the fact that our members participate fanatically in the NeVoBo competition, we have also have an internal competition for a number of years: the lion race, named after our club mascot Tonnie de Leeuw. The teams complete assignments throughout the year to be crowned champions at the end of the year!

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