
Board '21-'22 WANTED

Board '21-'22 WANTED

Dear Krotonners,
The end of the year is coming to an end faster than we expected. And with that, the season '20-'21 will also end in a few months!
Therefore, the board '20-'21 is looking for a candidate board. 

Would you like to enjoy your student life to the fullest, manage our volleyball association and develop yourself to the max? Then apply for the board of V.V. Kroton '21-'22! 

On our social media the positions are described by the current board members. So are you curious about a function? Check out our social media!

If you have any questions, please contact one of the board members!
Chairwoman: Eva Raga Oroño (0618073320)
Secretary: Tessa Zwart (0643134133)
Treasurer: Gianluca Donadon (0648443733)
Internal Coordinator: Janine Kuipers (0613436157)
Head TC: Antonia Potyka (0643702890)
Match Secretary: Gea Alberts (0639651502)

Hopefully we will see your application soon!


The board '20-'21




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