Kroton Beach Recap!
Friday morning 7:00 am. The first rays of sun stroke the water of the Hoornseplas. First a cup of coffee and then let's go! What a party it was, Kroton Beach 2022 🌞 On Friday we kicked off with the WEST company tournament. Here we saw many enthusiastic teams having a party both on and off the field. On Saturday there was room for mix, ladies 3rd/4th class and men 3rd/4th class. The games were fanatic but the atmosphere was good. Winners distinguished themselves from losers and twister kings from queens. On Sunday, matches from women's/men's 1st/2nd class, 3rd division/promotion class and 1st/2nd division were held. Despite the fact that the finals literally fell into the water, it was a successful day! Participants, volunteers and of course bedrijvenvereniging WEST: THANK YOU!! 🔥
To view the pictures of Kroton Beach, check them out here:
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