Matches week 39
Unfortunately, we can't watch each others games anymore. So, we've asked the team to write a little story about their matches. This way we can still be there, somehow. Below you can read summaries...
Smoelenboek theme announced!
Dear Krotonners, On Sunday 20 September, the SmoelenboekCie announced the theme of the Smoelenboek(party) ... Watch the announcement video now to find out what theme of the Smoelenboek and...
Matches week 38
Unfortunately, we can't watch each others games anymore. So, we've asked the team to write a little story about their matches. This way we can still be there, somehow. Below you can read summaries...
Update Corona-protocol
Dear Krotonner, Due to a number of developments around Covid-19, we are sending a few new measures that Krotonners must adhere to in the coming period. To prevent spreading, it is no longer...
Important announcement about Home Game Days
Dear Krotonners, We are so happy that the new season has started again, despite all Corona measures! However, the measures do have consequences for the association, including the home game days....
Teams and practices
The final team layout is out and can be found under: about Kroton --> documents --> important documents. The trainingsschedule can be found here as well! During the year, all kinds of important...
Start season 2020-2021
We can finally play volleyball again! The regular training sessions start from Monday 31 August. The schedule has been sent by email and are also on every team page on the website! We are looking...